If you’re like many people, you may think that a man can’t claim self-defense against a woman in a domestic battery case – but is that true? This guide explains.
Can a Man Claim Self-Defense Against a Woman in a Domestic Battery Case?
First things first: Gender and gender expression don’t matter in a domestic battery case. All that matters are the facts and evidence that each side presents.
That means it’s totally possible for a man to claim self-defense against a woman in a domestic battery case. The bottom line is that the judge (or jury, if applicable) will look at all available evidence. That may include witness statements, photographs of physical injuries, doctors’ reports, testimony from involved parties and a wide range of other information.
Often, people are initially charged with domestic battery when all they really did was defend themselves – and that’s where an attorney comes in.
Related: Can your attorney get evidence thrown out in a domestic battery case?
How Can an Attorney Help You Explain Self-Defense?
Your attorney will determine what type of evidence the state has against you; the “other side” has to share information. That means your attorney can get a good look at the actual circumstances in order to present the best possible defense on your behalf.
After you explain your side of the story to your attorney, he’ll look at all the facts and piece together a narrative that explains it to the court. Your attorney will tell the judge your side of the story; you may also have an opportunity to speak up in court (which you should only take if your lawyer advises you to). If you defended yourself from someone attacking you – regardless of your gender or their gender – that’s what will come out in court. You can rely on your attorney to bring all the facts to light to help you get the best possible outcome.
Related: Can you work for the government if you have a domestic battery conviction?
Do You Need to Talk to an Attorney About Domestic Battery Defense?
If you need to talk to a domestic battery defense attorney in Illinois, we’re here to help. Call us at 847-920-4540 now – we’ll be happy to give you a free consultation and talk to you about your options.
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