If you’re like many people, you know that a domestic battery charge can have permanent effects on your criminal record. But how serious is a domestic battery charge, and what can you do if someone has accused you of this type of abuse?
How Serious is a Domestic Battery Charge?
A domestic battery charge is extremely serious. The potential consequences include jail or prison time, big fines, and a permanent criminal record. Here’s what you need to know:
- What are the penalties for a domestic battery conviction?
- Will domestic battery stay on my record forever?
- What can I do if I’ve been accused of domestic battery?
Here’s a closer look at each of these questions.
What are the penalties for a domestic battery conviction?
There are two basic types of domestic battery charges: domestic battery and aggravated domestic battery. Aggravated domestic battery is more serious – and it carries more severe penalties if you’re convicted.
Related: What does it mean to be charged with domestic battery?
Domestic battery is typically a Class A misdemeanor, which means a judge can send you to jail for up to a year and fine you up to $2,500. Aggravated domestic battery is usually a Class 4 felony, although there are circumstances in which it becomes a Class 2 felony. If you’re convicted of a Class 4 felony, you could spend up to 3 years in prison. If it’s a Class 2 felony, you could spend up to 7 years in prison.
Related: Is domestic violence a felony or misdemeanor in Illinois?
Will domestic battery stay on my record forever?
A domestic battery conviction will stay on your criminal record forever. However, if you’re arrested for it and found not guilty or if the state drops your case, you can have it cleared from your record.
When a domestic battery conviction is on your criminal record, it is definitely permanent. You can’t have it expunged or sealed later. That means anyone who looks up your criminal record will get the information the court has released.
What can I do if I’ve been accused of domestic battery?
For most people, the best thing to do after being accused of domestic battery is to get in touch with an experienced attorney who can help. Your attorney can answer all your questions, help you understand the charges against you, and walk you through potential scenarios so you know what you’re up against. He can also fight hard for you in court, making sure that the judge hears your side of the story and helping to preserve your rights every step of the way.
Have You Been Accused of Domestic Battery?
Call us at 847-920-4540 if you’ve been accused of domestic battery. We’ll be happy to answer your questions during a free consultation. If it’s easier, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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