Defending Against Domestic Battery and Aggravated Domestic Battery in Chicago

When you’re accused of any type of domestic violence offense, you may find it helpful to get in touch with a Chicago domestic battery defense attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer will be able to answer your questions about what happens next, how you should plead when you go to court, and whether there’s a plausible defense that you can use.

Defending Against Domestic Battery and Aggravated Domestic Battery

Domestic battery and aggravated domestic battery are two separate offenses, and the defenses your attorney may be able to use to help you vary based on the circumstances of your case.

One of the most common defenses to domestic battery charges in Chicago and the surrounding communities is self-defense. If you were legitimately defending yourself from someone (or if you were protecting someone else), you can’t be convicted of domestic battery. With that said, though, it’s your domestic battery lawyer’s responsibility to show that you were actually defending yourself in court. If your attorney can show that you defended yourself and the domestic battery charge was the result of self-defense, not an act of unprovoked aggression, then the jury will doubt the prosecution’s case against you.

Do You Have to Prove That You’re Innocent?

It’s important for you to know that when you’re accused of any crime in Illinois—not just domestic battery offenses—the prosecution has the task of proving that you’re guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt; you don’t have to prove that you’re innocent. That’s the way our criminal justice system was built, and it was built that way to prevent innocent people from imprisonment.

Do You Need to Talk to a Chicago Domestic Battery Lawyer?

If you’ve been accused of domestic battery or aggravated domestic battery, it may be helpful for you to get in touch with a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Call us at 847-920-4540 for a free case review. We’ll examine your situation, find out what type of evidence the prosecution believes they have against you, and provide you with the case-specific legal advice you need to start moving forward. We’ll also develop a defense that gets you the best possible outcome.