Being accused of domestic violence is life-shattering. You could be facing criminal charges, the loss of your children, and even time behind bars.

Even if you’re completely innocent of all the accusations, these types of accusations can cause irreparable damage to your reputation; unfortunately, you could begin suffering the consequences long before you even appear in court.

What to Do if Someone Accuses You of Domestic Violencedomestic violence defense chicago

If someone accuses you of domestic violence, the first thing you should do is talk to a domestic violence defense attorney as soon as possible – even if your accuser has not yet contacted the police. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of assuming that their accuser will not press charges… and that prevents them from taking the appropriate steps to protect themselves.

People who falsely accuse others of domestic violence tend to be erratic, so one of the smartest things you can do is separate yourself from your accuser. Whether you need to stay at a friend’s house or with a family member, or even in a hotel, it’s in your best interest to distance yourself from that person however possible.

Protect Yourself After Domestic Violence Accusations

A person who is willing to falsely accused someone else of domestic violence may do other vengeful things, and while we don’t like to think about it, it’s essential that you protect yourself. It’s not unheard of for accusers to send themselves messages from the defendant’s accounts only to later accused the defendant of having sent them. You can protect yourself by:

  • Changing the passwords on your bank accounts
  • Adding a password to your cell phone, or changing your existing password
  • Locking access to your computer
  • Changing passwords on your e-mail accounts, social media accounts and absolutely everything else

Talking to Your Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

Because every case is different, it’s essential that you talk to a Chicago domestic violence defense lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer will explain what could happen and go into more detail about how you can protect your own rights moving forward.

If this has happened to you, get in touch with us for a free domestic violence case review. You can also call us directly at 847-920-4540. We’ll be happy to provide you with case-specific legal advice that can help you during this difficult time.