If you’ve been accused of domestic battery or aggravated domestic battery, you may be wondering whether you would be better off with a jury hearing your case or leaving your fate in a judge’s hands.

Your domestic battery defense lawyer will give you the right guidance based on the circumstances of your case, but in the meantime, here’s what you need to know.


Jury Trials and Domestic Battery Charges

In cases of domestic battery, the character and makeup of a jury can be a crucial factor that your attorney considers while formulating your defense.

A jury comprises 12 people. The prosecution must convince each of those 12 people that you are guilty; you don’t have to “prove” that you’re innocent. Your domestic battery defense attorney will argue your case and tell your side of the story.

Bench Trials and Domestic Battery Charges

A bench trial takes place without a jury. The judge is the person who finds the facts and rules on the law. The judge also decides whether the evidence against you is credible.

In many cases, bench trials take less time than jury trials do. That’s because the attorneys involved don’t need to select the jury, and because you don’t need to wait for 12 people to make up their minds and return a verdict.

Talk to a Domestic Battery Defense Lawyer Now

Don’t waste your time worrying about the possibilities. It’s a good idea to talk to a Chicago domestic violence defense lawyer as soon as possible; he’ll be able to explain your options and discuss possible outcomes with you.

Call us at 847-920-4540 for your free domestic battery case review. We’ll evaluate the situation and begin formulating a defense that gets you the best possible outcome right away.